Friday, June 7, 2013

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1 comment:

  1. Julia Gillard was not only a good Prime Minister She was a great PM. The savage campaign aimed at her by Tony Abbott has never been equaled. I hope we never see this filth again.
    Having said that, I believe the only way her gains for us and and her legacy, can stay is for Labor to win the next election. Abbott has got the dubious skill to drill down and draw out the worst in the Australian character.

    That is a dark distrust of the males of women who stand up for themselves. This manifests itself in the violence against women, the incest and rape, the paedophile priests betraying the trust placed in them. And Abbott promotes a macho society where women should know their place. The boys I know seem to like that.
    The only way we can stop going back in time, to the day before the 2007 election.
    is for Rudd to defeat Abbott because with his hate campaign, he had made that impossible for Julia.

    Never forget John Howard dismantled everything Paul Keating had put in place.
    Howard an Abbott are two of the most right wing politicians ever elected in Australia.
    They were both pre selected by the Uglies Faction of NSW who is was made up of imported Nazis (by Menzies, his ASIO chief as good anti communists) pretending to be refugees.

    The cold war continues and Julia Gillard has become another casualty of our relationship with the US where Unions are the enemy of the corporations and left wing people are communists are the enemy of the religious right.

    Just a little history for younger voters.
    In the late 1940's many anti-socialist conservatives thought the Allies had fought the wrong war (it should have been with Hitler against Stalin). Australia's attorney-general Bob Menzies in the 1930s was an admirer of the Nazi state as a bulwark against “atheistic Bolshevism”. The Nazi war criminals may have been anti-Semitic mass murderers but they were anti-communists and therefore welcome. 
    These Nazis found a ready champion in ASIO. Allied intelligence agencies gave the Nazis a clean bill of health in the screening process, allowing them to assume false identities or lie about their past, and frequently recruiting them as agents. ASIO put them to use as spies and covert operatives against the migrant left. 

    When Australian governments were forced to investigate suspected war criminals, they happily relied on ASIO which was far more interested in putting Nazis on the payroll than investigating their crimes. When the Yugoslav government requested the extradition of Milorad Lukic and Mihailo Rajkovic in 1951 for their fascist war crimes at POW camps, the head of ASIO in Western Australia reported that the two men, ardent anti-communists and supporters of Menzies, “represent a body of Yugoslavs who cause infinitely less trouble to this organisation than the great body of their fellow immigrants”, as well as providing “invaluable assistance to ASIO”, as ASIO boss Charles Spry wrote to the head of the Commonwealth Department of External Affairs. 

    Post-war Labor and Liberal governments ignored mounting evidence of Nazi arrivals. Refugees, immigration staff, crew members of US Army transport ships and even ASIO's predecessor, the Commonwealth Investigation Service, reported anti-Semitic incidents, including serious assaults, on the refugee ships and in the migrant reception camps and hostels. The blood group tatoos, or scars from their removal, observed under the left armpit were a giveaway of SS membership. Nazi memorabilia, such as Hitler statues and swastikas, were regularly seized in the migrant camps.
